המדריך החרדי ירושלים - ספר טלפונים חרדי - הספר החרדי - 2022-2023

PURPLE PAGES Maps of Jerusalem Designed for the religious community including street names WHITE PAGES Updated address and Telephone Directory for Religious neighborhoods in Jerusalem & the environs ORANGE PAGES Religious & Community Services, Public Services, Gemachim, Organizations & Institutions, Government & Municipal Offices GREEN PAGES Gemachim – Chesed brown PAGES Educational Institutions BLUE PAGES Tourism – Guest Rooms & Hotels Vacations & Outings in Israel and Abroad YELLOW PAGES Classified Business Index English index at the Back of the Directory PAGE 19 PAGE 97 PAGE 502 PAGE 613 PAGE 702 PAGE 748 1 4 2 5 3 6 7 CHAREDI DIRECTORY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR THE RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY THE 2022-2023 תשפ"ג PAGE 01